Ducking is a crap shoot and with so many enemies that slither or run low to the ground, failing to crouch half of the time is not acceptable. The virtual pad is "mushy," making it too easy for Rick to not do what you tell him to do – or worse, do nothing. But I cannot overlook the control problems that seriously hamper this port. If you have an appreciation for retro games, though, you can overlook the simplistic nature of Splatterhouse. I recently went back to Splatterhouse on my Turbo out of curiosity and had to confess to myself that it's a bit stiff. He must stomp from left to right through several stages in hopes of shattering enough monster spines to win back his girlfriend. But Namco focuses solely on the arcade original here, which pits the masked anti-hero Rick against a house full of demons. ("A dude in a hockey mask beats down monsters with a two-by-four? Yes, please!") There was a handful of good Genesis sequels, too. But before that, Splatterhouse was a shocking arcade game that later became a shocking TurboGrafx-16 game – that every little boy wanted. The game was a commercial success, selling over one million copies worldwide.Chances are good a decent number of you know Splatterhouse from the upcoming sequel on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It was praised for its gameplay and graphics, but was criticized for its short length. Splatterhouse was generally well-received by critics. The game is noted for its graphic violence and gore, as well as its dark and mature themes. The player controls Rick as he fights his way through hordes of enemies. The gameplay of Splatterhouse is a mix of action and horror elements. He is then rescued by a mysterious being known as the Terror Mask, which gives him the ability to fight back against his attackers. Rick is attacked by a gang of thugs and is left for dead. The story of Splatterhouse centers around Rick Taylor, a young man who is searching for his missing girlfriend, Jennifer. It is a sequel to the Splatterhouse series of games that were released for the TurboGrafx-16 console in the early 1990s. The game was developed by Namco and published by Namco Bandai Games. Splatterhouse is a 2004 horror-themed video game released for the Microsoft Windows operating system.