Free download life is strange 2 game
Free download life is strange 2 game

In fear of the police, Sean & Daniel head to Mexico while attempting to conceal a sudden and mysterious supernatural power. Two brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz, 16 and 9, are forced to run away from home after a tragic incident in Seattle.

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The award winning Life is Strange series continues with a long-awaited sequel from DONTNOD Entertainment. When Sean awakens, he notices the dead police officer on the ground and hastily picks up Daniel, fleeing the scene in frantic state. When Esteban is fatally shot, Daniel screams and a shockwave occurs, knocking the two brothers unconscious. Their journey begins after the sudden death of their father, Esteban Diaz, age 45, who was killed by a police officer on October 28, 2016, after an incident with Sean, Daniel, and the neighbor's son escalates.

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The story of Life is Strange 2 follows the two Diaz brothers, Sean and Daniel, ages 16 and 9, respectively, on their journey from Seattle, USA to their father's home town of Puerto Lobos, Mexico.

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